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Isaac and Meike, hold meetings in Australia,
Holland, Germany, South Africa, & USA.
Isaac wrote the words for this book; in their meetings,
Meike shares a quietly powerful presence.

Isaac delivers a radical message in it's simplest, most practical form,
always bringing us back to what we can verify in our own experience.

While the message ~ in the lineage of Sri Ramana Maharshi, & Sri Poonjaji ~
is non-duality, essentially it sweeps away all differences. It does not
preclude other traditions. It is not something to learn, or believe in,
or philosophise about. A central premise: What is true in me
is the same as what is true in you ~ and you need to realise this in
your direct experience, otherwise it will be just one more learnt formula.

pages 6-7

The universe,
the world, time, space,
our own bodies are
an experience to us.

pages 14-15

Sit quietly
check for yourself
if this is true.

pages 16-17

All experience
happens in Awareness.
Another way
to say this is :
Awareness is the space
of all experience.