
you'll enjoy it !

The books are here.
They are for sale now AU $22, here on this blog,
or at Isaac's meetings,
 Paypal is only set up for single copies,
in any case 2 copies is $6 p&p, within Australia.

(Dec 2014 ~ the book price is less, but the postage is more; I've
not changed the figures, as it works out about the same)

Within Australia ~$AUD 22 for the book, plus p&p - $3.00


To the USA & Europe ~
$AUD 22 for the book plus
$AUD 14.50 p&p

With multiple orders, or other queries, please email aniewilliams
(at) gmail (dot) com, I'll get back to you.
Discount prices for larger orders (I can't set it up for Paypal)

The best way to buy overseas is either at Isaac's meetings, or to
order 10 or more from me ~ postage is a little less for bulk.

We think you'll enjoy it !


Burning Questions cover

Among the first paintings specifically about my own experience
in satsang, was the one I've used for the front cover.
It represents that stage where it seems entirely possible that one might
spontaneously combust. Burning Questions also refers to when the mind
finally quits scrabbling to understand, & there's fewer questions.

..Also, that underlying idea of "I" that causes such confusion..

What fun it was to collaborate on these pages !
(check out Isaac's schedule for meetings around the world)

There are 94 pages. An image on each of the 46 spreads, full colour
throughout, A5 page size, gatefold cover. (the black & white images are
also full colour to match the subtleties of the originals.)

Burning Questions spreads

pages 20-21

What is your body?
Where does
your body begin
and end?

pages 22-23

Does it exist
without breath ?

pages 24-25

as your body is
is an experience to you,
who are you ?

pages 26-27

Awareness is here.
Can we sense
that awareness ?
Can we see or smell it ?
without it we cannot
sense anything.

more pages


What is thinking ?
Thinking is the ability
to solve problems ~
it's great for practical things.

pages 50-51

When, unconsciously,
we wait for
a better experience,
we miss the present moment.

another spread

pages 12-13

There is awareness
of the experience
of this moment.

more spreads

Isaac and Meike, hold meetings in Australia,
Holland, Germany, South Africa, & USA.
Isaac wrote the words for this book; in their meetings,
Meike shares a quietly powerful presence.

Isaac delivers a radical message in it's simplest, most practical form,
always bringing us back to what we can verify in our own experience.

While the message ~ in the lineage of Sri Ramana Maharshi, & Sri Poonjaji ~
is non-duality, essentially it sweeps away all differences. It does not
preclude other traditions. It is not something to learn, or believe in,
or philosophise about. A central premise: What is true in me
is the same as what is true in you ~ and you need to realise this in
your direct experience, otherwise it will be just one more learnt formula.

pages 6-7

The universe,
the world, time, space,
our own bodies are
an experience to us.

pages 14-15

Sit quietly
check for yourself
if this is true.

pages 16-17

All experience
happens in Awareness.
Another way
to say this is :
Awareness is the space
of all experience.